
Change Management

Over the last 14 years, I have facilitated hundreds of meetings and also accompanied long-term change management processes as a facilitator. Some examples::

Over a period of 1.5 years, I spent 50 hours per month supporting the complex introduction and further development of all project management software in a medium-sized consulting company. This included moderating regular meetings with project-steering departments, IT developers and managing directors. Again and again, it was necessary to work out the different and sometimes conflicting interests of the stakeholders and find creative solutions for further adaptations of the software that everyone could support. I also led the company-wide training sessions for the software launch.

Since April 2021, I have been moderating the monthly shareholder meetings of a housing project, which last several hours and in which far-reaching decisions are made regarding construction, the allocation of flats, the financing framework, cost-sharing, etc. I am using the sociocratic consent decision-making process, sometimes adding elements of the systemic consensus method ("Systemisches Konsensieren").

I have long-standing experience in designing and facilitating planning workshops, for example for strategy development, for forming a common vision, etc., for example in companies, co-housing projects and non-governmental organisations.

On behalf of the City of Aachen, I moderated planning meetings in 2022 with representatives of five building groups, architects and city officials to decide on the use of the communal areas on a large collectively used cohousing site.

In 2012, the Federal Centre for Health Education ("Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung" trained me to become a moderator and trainer for an interactive educational method for young people ("Mitmachparcours, Join-in Circuit, Sang-Sangai"). I conducted the respective extensive Master training sessions in Nepal.

In 2022, two colleagues and I developed a certification process for sociocratic facilitators at the Sociocracy Centre Germany. We now mentor around twenty people who want to moderate sociocratic decision-making processes, selection processes to fill roles as well as 360 degree feedback sessions. Find out more here: The facilitator certification programme – Soziokratie Zentrum Deutschland.

Even in Difficult Moments

When moderating meetings, we regularly encounter tensions. At such times, I am glad that important issues come to the surface. Thanks to Non-Violent Communication Gewaltfreien Kommunikation we can discover what the tensions are actually about, address core concerns and find solutions, even if serious conflicts have already manifested themselves.

In addition to this methodological expertise, I can also contribute my many years of experience in leading intercultural teams and my in-depth understanding of team building dynamics when I facilitate decision-making processes, meetings, conflict-resolution sessions, etc.

In my work as a facilitator, it is important to me that my clients want to truly work together as a team. I would like to support you in making progress on “eye-level”, combining forces, considering all perspectives and building on your collective intelligence as a team. 

Current trainings

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